Reviews zum Original iPhone: Das waren die ersten Reaktionen

| 14:55 Uhr | 0 Kommentare

Neun Jahre ist es mittlerweile her, dass Apple sein iPhone am 29.06.2007 auf den Markt gebracht hat. Genauer gesagt, ging das Geräte zum genannten Zeitpunkt nur in den USA in den Verkauf. Deutschland und weitere Länder folgten am 09. November 2007.


Reviews zum Original iPhone

Wie eingangs erwähnt, feierte der iPhone-Verkaufsstart seinen neunten Geburtstag. Ein guter Zeitpunkt, um sich noch einmal mit den ersten Reaktion zum sogenannten iPhone 2G auseinanderzusetzen.

Aus heutiger Sicht, hat das iPhone den Smartphone-Markt ohne wenn und aber revolutioniert. Zum damaligen Zeitpunkt waren die Einschätzungen allerdings sehr durchwachsen. Wir haben euch eine kleine Auswahl an Reviews und ersten Einschätzungen zusammengestellt. Insbesondere Steve Ballmer, damals Microsoft CEO, lag mit seiner Einschätzung etwas daneben, so BGR.

Negative Einschätzungen zum iPhone 2G

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Mehr Informationen

Ein absoluter Klassiker ist die Einschätzung vom Steve Ballmer zum Original iPhone.

“There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share,” Ballmer said in the wake of the iPhone’s unveiling. “No chance. It’s a $500 subsidized item. They may make a lot of money. But if you actually take a look at the 1.3 billion phones that get sold, I’d prefer to have our software in 60% or 70% or 80% of them, than I would to have 2% or 3%, which is what Apple might get.”

The Guardian

Apple’s much-anticipated iPhone, which goes on sale in the US today, will struggle to break into the mainstream because of a lack of a 3G connection and low demand for converged devices, according to research.

International research conducted by media agency Universal McCann has concluded that Apple’s goal of selling 10m iPhones by the end of 2008 is too ambitious.

David Platt

Instead, the iPhone is going to fail because its design is fundamentally flawed. The designers and technophiles who encouraged development of the iPhone have fallen into the trap of all overreaching hardware and software designers; thinking that their users are like themselves.

Matthew Lynn

The big competitors in the mobile-phone industry such as Nokia Oyj and Motorola Inc. won’t be whispering nervously into their clamshells over a new threat to their business….The iPhone is nothing more than a luxury bauble that will appeal to a few gadget freaks. In terms of its impact on the industry, the iPhone is less relevant.

Positive Reviews zum iPhone 2G

Ars Technica

We love the concept of the iPhone. It’s extremely easy to use and almost entirely self-discoverable; the interface looks better than any other phone—smartphone or not—currently on the market, and it’s just plain fun to use. In a perfect world, the iPhone is a perfect 10. But neither the world nor the iPhone are perfect.


The iPhone really could change the future of computing. It’s quite possible that June 29, 2007, will one day be remembered as the day that the average consumer realized what mobile computing was all about.


The iPhone isn’t perfect, I can tell you that now (for more reasons than only supporting Edge), but it’s a huge step in the right direction. At the same time it’s a great product today and while not for everyone, its impact on the industry will be tremendous.

Kategorie: iPhone


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