Apple hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass man sich die Dienste von Katherine Adams sichern konnte. Adams arbeitete bisher bei Honeywell und wechselt nun als Chef-Anwältin zu Apple.
Katherine Adams wird Apple´s neue Chef-Anwältin
Apple hat die Nachfolge von Bruce Sewell geregelt. Wie Apple am heutigen Tag verkündet hat, geht Apples derzeitiger Chef-Anwalt Bruce Sewell zum Ende dieses Jahres in Rente. Katherine Adams tritt in seine Fußstapfen.
Katherine Adams arbeitete bisher als Senior Vice President and General Counsel bei Honeywell. Zukünftig steht Adams bei Apple als General Counsel and Senior Vice President of Legal and Global Security auf Apples Gehaltsliste. In dieser Position untersteht sie direkt Apple CEO Tim Cook und gehört gleichzeitig zur Apples Führungsetage.
Tim Cook, Katherine Adams und Bruce Sewell haben sich zu den Neuheiten wie folgt geäußert
“We are thrilled to welcome Kate to our team. She’s a seasoned leader with outstanding judgment and that has worked on a wide variety of legal cases globally. Throughout her career she’s also been an advocate on many of the values we at Apple hold dear,” said Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “Bruce has our best wishes for his retirement, after eight years of dedicated service to Apple and a tremendously successful career. He has tirelessly defended our IP, our customers’ right to privacy and our values. Bruce has set a new standard for general counsels, and I am proud to have worked with him and proud to call him a friend.”
“Apple has had a tremendous impact on the world and it’s an honor to join their team,” said Kate Adams. “I’m excited to help Apple continue to grow and evolve around the world, protecting their ideas and IP, and defending our shared values.”
“To have worked with this amazing executive team and all the incredibly smart people at Apple, especially my colleagues in legal and global security, has been the honor of a lifetime,” said Bruce Sewell. “The years I have spent in this job have been the most gratifying of my career. I’m delighted Kate is joining and I know she will be a huge asset.”
Adams arbeitete seit 2003 bei Honeywell. Zuvor war sie Partnerin bei Sidley Austin LLP. Unter anderem erhielt Adams einen Bachelor in Komparatisitk von der Brown University und ein rechtswissenschaftliches Diplom von der University of Chicago Law School.
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