HomePod Reviews sind da: „Retina für die Ohren“

| 17:47 Uhr | 0 Kommentare

Drei Tage trennen uns noch vom offiziellen HomePod Verkaufsstart in den USA, Großbritannien und Australien. Wie wie es von Apple gewohnt sind, fällt wenige Tage vor dem Verkaufsstart das Presseembargo, so dass im Laufe des heutigen Tages zahlreiche ausführliche HomePod Reviews aufgetaucht sind, die uns den Apple Lautsprecher näher bringen.

HomePod Reviews sind da

In de letzten Tagen sind bereits vereinzelte HomePod Erfahrungsberichte aufgetaucht. Am heutigen Tag fällt das offizielle Presseembargo und so gibt es die ersten ausführlicheren Testberichte zu lesen. Apple hat verschiedenen Journalisten einen HomePod zur Verfügung gestellt, so dass sich diese in den letzten Tagen intensiver mit dem Gerät beschäftigen konnten.

Das Feedback der Tester geht in die selbe Richtung. Der HomePod bietet eine großartige und qualitativ-hochwertige Soundqualität, die es mit anderen Geräten in diesem Preissegment in jedem Fall aufnehmen kann. Beim Siri-Sprachassistenten ist noch Luft nach oben, so verschiedene Rückmeldungen. Besonderes interessant fanden wir die Bezeichnung „Retina für die Ohren“, um zu verdeutlichen, wie gut die Soundqualität des Gerätes ist.

Wall Street Journal

The HomePod has an iPhone processor and pairs with your iPhone—yet it can’t make a phone call? To use it as a speakerphone, you need to start the call on your iPhone then select the HomePod as an audio source. You can, however, send text messages from the HomePod with just your voice.

There are more things the HomePod can’t do, despite being hooked to your iCloud account and iPhone. It can’t tell you your next calendar appointment. It can’t alert you to new emails or texts. It’s also missing crucial third-party apps like Uber and Venmo.


The sound that comes from the HomePod can best be described as precise. It’s not as loud as some others like Google Home Max or as bright (and versatile) as the Sonos Play 1, but it destroys the muddy sound of less sophisticated options like the Amazon Echo. To genuinely fill a large room you need two but anyone in a small house or apartment will get great sound from one.

The HomePod was the “best” sounding. It’s nuanced and subtle with great separation and clarity across all kinds of music. The Play 1, for instance, had decent mid range but an overly bright high end with just the out of the box calibration. At maximum volume, the Play 1 became shrill and painful where the HomePod maintained balance.

The Loop

To be absolutely clear, there was no comparison in sound quality. HomePod offered so much more quality that it was quite literally laughable to hear the others. The only speaker that sounded decent was the Sonos One, but even it couldn’t compete with HomePod.

It’s hard to explain the sound of HomePod, but you get a feeling that the sound is enveloping you, even when using just one speaker. There is a sense that this is how the songwriter and producer wanted the song to be heard when they recorded it.


Like Retina for ears or Portrait Mode for music, it shows what’s possible when software lets hardware move beyond its physical limitations. it’s the start of another revolution in personal technology.

New York Times

The result is a speaker with a deep bass and rich treble that is loud enough to fill a large room with superb sound. HomePod makes the Amazon Echo and Google’s Home sound muffled and tinny in comparison.

But Siri on HomePod is embarrassingly inadequate, even though that is the primary way you interact with it. Siri is sorely lacking in capabilities compared with Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Assistant. Siri doesn’t even work as well on HomePod as it does on the iPhone.


With the HomePod in the center of the room, for example, I heard distinct wedges of good (and less good) sound around the speaker. Sometimes the front sounded great and the back not so much. Sometimes the best sound came from 90 degrees on either side.

Apple says the speaker adjusts itself based on room position, and as I moved the speaker around I could hear the difference as it recalibrated. Overall I found that the HomePod sounded best placed against a wall or in a corner, which is fine since that’s where most people will probably place it anyway.

Zum guten Schluss haben wir euch noch ein 9-Minuten Video eingefügt, welches sich intensiv mit dem neuen HomePod beschäftigt.

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Kategorie: Apple


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